Add template
This section describes how to add a website template
1. Navigate to the according directory and add template file
path: website_generator/public/templates/<TEMPLATE FOLDER NAME>
2. Change .html files to .ejs
This is to ensure that we can pass in data and then regerate the page. Read more on EJS:
3. Ex : Passing in data and populating
This is an example of data that would passed in the .ejs file
firstName: 'Akilan',
lastName: 'Selvacoumar',
companyName: 'Test123',
logoUrl: '',
bannerUrl: '',
email: '',
description: 'Loldfsdf sdfsdsdsfsd sd fsdrs d sdf ',
template: 'Colo_Shop',
csv: [
'product id': '1',
'product name': 'java',
description: "We all love java fsdf sdf' sd'f 'sdf sfsdf sdf sdf",
cost: '130',
'product image url': ''
'product id': '2',
'product name': 'C',
description: 'C lord it is',
cost: '200',
'product image url': ''
id: 'Test123_50'
Ex: .ejs file layout
<!-- Slider -->
<div class="main_slider"
style="background-image:url('<%= bannerUrl %>')">
<div class="container fill_height">
<div class="row align-items-center fill_height">
<!-- New Arrivals -->
<div class="new_arrivals">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col text-center">
<div class="section_title new_arrivals_title">
<h2>Our Products</h2>
<p><%= description %></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="product-grid"
data-isotope='{ "itemSelector": ".product-item", "layoutMode": "fitRows" }'>
<!-- Product 3 -->
<% for(var i = 0; i < csv.length ; i++) {%>
<div class="product-item *">
<div class="product product_filter">
<div class="product_image">
<img src="<%= csv[i]['product image url'] %>" alt="">
<div class="product_info">
<h6 class="product_name"><a href="#"><a><%= csv[i]["product name"] %></a></h6>
<p><%= csv[i]["description"] %></p>
<div class="product_price">$<%= csv[i].cost %></div>
<div class="cart"><div class="red_button add_to_cart_button"><a onClick="additem('<%= csv[i]['product name'] %>', <%= csv[i].cost %>)" style="color:white">Add to cart</a></div></div>
<% } %>