How to add Commands

To add a command, we make changes in the messages.js and logic.js. Firstly, in the messages.js we have to add a new instance of Command class in the commands array. A Command instance requires an object as a parameter. The parameter object has three fields.

Create the command under commands array.
    new Command({
        command : 'hello-world',
        callback : logic.onHelloWorld(),
        requireMedia : false,
  • command - This holds the command string.
  • callback - This requires a callback function which is executed when the user types the command. The callback function returns an array of string, that is sent to the user by the WhatsApp bot.
  • requireMedia - This tells us if the command requires an attached media with it. For example, an image.
What is logic?

As you can see, the callback function is called from logic module in logic.js . The purpose of having the function in logic.js is purely for having a clean code structure. Therefore, it is recommended to create the callback function in logic.js.